The Peripheral Dialogue
master urban design studio 2019
project partner: Clémence Goix, Dominikus Littel, Sarah Schmidt & Angelina Thierer
mentor: Prof. Jörg Stollmann
“Città diffusa“, “Zwischenstadt”, “Plankton City”…
Where does Berlin’s periphery start and where does it end?
It´s hard to say in a city which was dominated by border situations and a complex history of multiple city centers in the past.
The increasing prices of innercity flats force us as the city planners to discover the potential of peripheries.
The course started with a one week excursion to the suburbs of Paris.Visiting the banlieuses we tried to understand the specific qualities as well as deficits of these areas. Back home, we set our experience into a dialogue with the circumstances of Berlin`s suburbs.
In a second step, each group got a site of 1000 x 1000 m to develope future scenarios for. Our area was in the south-west of Berlin where Lankwitz, Lichterfelde and Steglitz come together.
The old factory becomes to a new multi activity center.
We opened up the private gardens of the row houses to the puplic park. A new vivid zone with little neighbourhood institutions pops up in the middle.
For the single family carpet we did two things:
With little shared paths through the area and a higher GFZ, the people will get the opportunity to sell parts of their properties to increase the density of the area.
© Anne Kiefer 2017 — Imprint